Wednesday, April 22, 2009

im going to tell you about random things.

  1. uan gk sampe seminggu lagi. exactly 5 days left and i'm going crazy to think about it. im not really ready for it. but i really really prepare for U.A.N. i hope i can get 40 score!
  2. well, im hating a girl. actually i hate a girl who's ana hate either. im sorry but i cant hide this feeling HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (peace love and gaul dude
  3. im agree with these lyrics -> "i wanna be rich and i want a lots of money. i dont care about clever i dont care about funny. i want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamond. i heard people die while they are trying to find them" honestly, im not really want to be rich. though if im being rich i can buy what i want easily. i just need to point, go to cashier, and pay. but it's no means if i have a lots of money and jewelries or whatelse but i dont haveany friend and any happiness (once again, peace love and gaul)
  4. i love beler and i bet you guys know it

1 comment:

issye margaretha kamal said...

wow . hahaha :) i'm going to UN too . hope we can be the best yay x)
it's really nice to know you .
hope we can be friend .