Thursday, April 9, 2009

you can see the countdown in my blog, it's scarier than i meet a male kuntilanak, even i know there's no male kuntilanak in this world. but now, UAN is the scariest thing in my life. i'd promise to my self, start from next monday, i'll study hard every night and i'll more pray pray and pray for my success. after uan i'll face UAS, it's as scary as UAN because if i pass on UAN and i dont pas on UAS i'll stay one more year at junior high school. how sad? and you guys know what? i hate to leave Al-Azhar Bintaro Junior High School and Reveration. i hate to leave my juniors, my teachers, my canteen, my school, and my school mates. please guys, dont forget me even we're far each other, you're the best generation i've ever had. the most stupid and the coolest and the funniest and the greatest generation. dont forget what we've done together from 7th grade-9th grade. urgh i think i should end this posting because i cant hold my tears :(

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