Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good afternoon everybodies :O

Im having 2 months holidays. That's very long holiday, isn't it? It makes me happy because i dont need to go to school anymore, dont need to touch any books, any pencils or pens or whatelse. But, the shit thing from holiday is: I dont know what should i do.

It's boring. I just wake up in the morning, call beler, online, eat, showering (once per day HEHE), and eat again, and call beler again, and online again and sleep again and wake up and doing the same thing everyday. That's it. Useless activities. But my rvr made a plan to go to Dufan on tuesday/wednesday. I hope it will be. Sebelom gw keburu basi di rumah.

Maybe i need some new comics, some new toys, some friends to make my holiday not too boring. By the way, my detective conan collections are 74 comics now!!!!!!!!! And i still want to buy more more and more d.conan because i want to see the cute conan and the cool heiji (sounds alay huh? like-i-ever-care).

AND NOW......... I really wanna buy:

1. An oxford shoes

(im sorry guys i couldn't find the good picture one, but i want the white one, not the grey)

2. An ankle boots

(well, the heels what that i want isn't as high as that picture, i want the shorter one please :p)

3. Waist skirt

(where can i get this? tell me if you know)

4. White tank-top

(I COULDN'T FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Udahlah segitu dulu gw udh disuruh off nih, lagian gw juga mau pergi huehue. Pantun dulu ya boleh gk? Boleh dong.

Jalan jalan bawa tasbih
Cukup sekian dan terima kasih


Gloria Felicia said...

beli aja waist skirtnya di gaudi haha, sama white tank top di giordano.. you can find it everywhere actually :))

Ajeng Prima said...

wowwwww thank you, i've already bought 2 tank tops but not white :p

trixie said...

zara kids jeung! high waist mah tinggal ke itc aja jeeeng....tapi gw setuju sama comment yang pertamax di gaudi banyak yang lucu2 high waistnya :)

Ajeng Prima said...

itc mana nih trixxxxxxx? gaudi tuh dimana ya gw gk tau nih gk gaul hahahaha

trixie said...

itc mana aja deh kalo nggak mangga dua cari bagian baju cewek pasti nemu deh kalo lagi niat nyari hehehe...gaudi ada di plangi sama pim deh seinget gue