Thursday, September 17, 2009



I keep repeating that word in my mind.

I hate farewell. Yes, i do really hate farewell. I hate being separate with everyone i love. I bet you guys do too.

When i was in elementary school, my friend, Oryza, left us to America.
When i was in 6th grade, i have a friend in Primagama, and suddenly, she was sick then left us to heaven :')
When i was in junior high school 8th grade, Khansa & Nadit moved to 117 (if i ain't wrong).
I hate when my grandfather & my mom's grandmom dead. I love them so much, i don't wanna lose them, but what can i do?
When i have to go to senior high school, i have to leave Reveration. The coolest generation ever. We used to be together, but now? I don't think so. Now, everyone has their own business, with their new school, new friends, new life, and most of them are prefer with their new friends to their old friend. Sorry for being mean, but i feel it. It's true. Maybe i could be like that too. It's normal. Our old friends are very far from us, and our new friends are really near. We meet them everyday, everytime we go to school, we'll always meet them.

I don't mean to 'menjelek2an' you guys, but this is what i feel. You guys might be feel what i feel, it's okay. I won't be angry. I've said that's normal, right? I miss you my reveration. I wanna be with you again, everyday and everytime i go to school.

I wanna back to my junior high school. Al-Azhar 3 Bintaro. I don't like senior high school. Too many rules there. I can't do things that i do when i was in junior high school. I can't sleep in the class because the teachers will be very angry. One teacher ever shouted to me because i was sleeping in the class. Hey, don't blame me. Your subject was too boring at that moment. I don't like it. I hate my english teacher, she's always angry all the time. I hate moving class. Sometimes it could be very fun but it makes me like 'gradak gruduk' or 'kelabakan'. Makes me tired. I can't shout in the class because if i shout, one of the fcking boys will say 'apa sih, apa sih'. I hate the boy like that. So not fun, so uncool.

Other reason why i hate senior high school is because i have to wake up at 5 o'clock and go school at 5:30. I didn't use to wake up that early. When i was in jhs, i used to wake up at 6:15 and go at 6:30. I used to be very happy when i was at school, but now? I HATE WAKE UP THAT EARLY. Makes me always feel sleepy but again, i can't sleep at school.

Home works, teachers, some uncool friends, exams, and whatever. I don't like those shits.

I want my reveration. I want my junior high school. I want SMPI Al-Azhar 3 Bintaro. I want 9D. I want everything in the past.

Maybe i just have to adapt with my life now. Just pray me i will adapt easily.

And one more reason that i hate my life now is: i am far far away from him. My life is busy, and either him. I hate this. I want you to be close to me every time.

He's leaving tomorrow. He just came to my house. He said that: 'jgn sedih ya, sebentar kok' and some other words that made me sad. I cried. Okay maybe it's a bit over, but i've told ya that i can't be far from him. Now? He's already got home. Today's our last meeting before he's leaving. I hope he'll go to my house tomorrow before he goes.

Boy, Reveration, SMPI Al-Azhar 3 Bintaro, i really miss them now. I love you guys :')




Anonymous said...

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thank U...

Laksmitha Widyanie said...

blogwalking jeng, tp kerasa bgt ya beda anak albin sama alpus, dulu aja gue shock, apa2 harus jaim gak boleh aneh2. tapi ntar kebiasa kok, dulu gue juga kayak lo gitu stres pengen pindah tp untungnya bisa bertahan ampe sekarang hahaha tapi teteplah masa2 albin masa terindah yagaxxx

Ajeng Prima said...

AAAAAA kak dyanie! Aku br baca commentnya.. HUHU. Iya emg beda banget kak. Di alpus apa2 hrs jaim blablabalbala bikin ksl huhu smg aja aku bisa kebiasa :(. Iya kak di albin masa2 terindah bgt. Kgn.