Friday, February 20, 2009

Fay's surprised party!

first, i wanna say "Happy Birthday Fairiana Armadhanti, Wish U All The Best :3"

second, i want tell u that im getting bored now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont know what to do, my parents and my brother left me alone at house! okay but it's not a big problem, because i felt very tired after fay's surprised party! yes me and some of my friends gave her a surprised party. me & neng bought a cake yesterday. and this morning, neng told her maid to buy eggs, flour, soy sauce and candles (i forgot to bought it :P). after pendalaman materi, fay went home faster than us as always ya(maksudnya: seperti biasa, fay pulang lebih cepett dr kita). essa, enggar, and mariska went to essa's house to changed their clothes. me, dhia, rara, neng, ana, dira, tasya went to warung seceng to bought eggs again, flour again, susu kental manis, coffee, tea, energen, and sprite. after that, we walked to fay's house. my group and essa's group met at bengkel (hahaha apaan sih bhs inggrisnya bengkel gw gak tau). after we prepared the candles and lalalala, we went to fay's house. then, after we arrived there, we sang happy birthday song as long as we could hahahahahha and fay came out from her house. after she cut the cake, rara threw an egg to fay, and then me and all of mu friends threw those eggs, flour, coffee and e.t.c too, except enggar because she's alergic of eggs. after we threw it all, our bodies got dirtier and had very bad smell. then, we washed our hair in front of fay's house. jadi tontonan jadi tontonan deh. suddenly, rain comes! so we played under the rain. (abis kalimat ini, cerita akan ditulis dgn bahasa indonesia krn gw org indonesia & gw cape sok2 berbahasa inggris). krn kita udh merasa bau banget, akhirnya kita masuk rumah fay untuk mandi massal. oke ini terdengar menjijikan, tp maksudnya disini adalah bukan mandi2 bareng2 terus nake* gt ya, kita mandi tetep menggunakan baju. nah krn gw ga bawa baju (goblok emg udh tau mau kotor2an gini malah ga bawa baju) akhirnya gw minjem bajunya essa. untung essa rumahnya deket banget sm rumah fay. abis itu gw pulang nebeng neng deh dan skrg gw capek banget.

OKAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i have to end this posting because im going to eat, bye fellas!!!!!!!!! :P

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