Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Facts

Night my lovely readers <3

How's ur holiday, folks? Now im at Puncak, exactly at Safari Garden Hotel. Gapapalah walaupun cuman puncak yg penting liburan ~~

Hmmm, im going to tell you about random facts in my life. Read these!

1. I'm just a girl who love to sit in front of her computer for quite long (minimum: 4 hours)
2. I hate showering ^^
3. I hate if one of my friends like to show off or talk about her/his richness
4. I don't care about grammar.
5. I love to ridicule (HEHE sorry guys for being rude or annoying)
6. My parents and my brother are very nice people
7. I have very amazing best friends
8. I have a cute boyfriend
9. I have the best generation in the world
10. I like to watch violent movies
11. I love holidays and i bet you guys love it either
12. FOOD is my blood and MUSICS are my oxygen

Gk tau lg ah, udh ya gw mau mandi dulu. Maaf kalo postingan skrg gk penting hehe bye!!! Happy holiday :p

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