Saturday, April 11, 2009

im feeling confused and distracted.
this situation kills me. i dont know what should i do.
again and again, many shits are crawling my mind.
bentar lagi uan, bentar lagi pisah sama sekolah. honestly, baru libur 4 hari aja gue udah kangen sama semua, especially ----- ya i think i needn't say his name(i guess you know him but if you dont know you dont need to know) but i miss him like hell no matter what why when where who and how. his mobile phone's taken by his parents so we can say that im lost contact with him until monday and today's still saturday. i tried to be strong, but i couldn't. i fought with him on thursday because of my fault and now i cant stop blaming my self. shit. how fck!!!!!!!!

i wondered, how if i in senior high school? not with reveration anymore even few of my friends are in same school with me but, ah cant u imagine how sad am i. im facing uan, im facing uas, i'll face senior high school (im not really ready for being shs student. im not ready to leave these), i'll meet new friends, new teachers, new lessons, new school, and oh my god, once again,

im not ready.

i dont care what are you going to say, mental gue (emang) kayak tempe, cempre, and whatever.

if monday comes, i'll go to school earlier, and i'll hug everybody nears me, no matter who. i miss them and i want to hug them. if i can, i want to kiss them too.

good bye

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